
Linda Pastan’s reading this evening was, like her work, clearly dazzling. Especially this evening I felt lucky to walk under an umbrella in this small town to her reading and thankful to hear the sanity, grace and power of poetry in a small, quiet church. Poetry like Linda’s is truly louder than bombs–and reminds me that what draws us together is much bigger and stronger than what tries to rip us apart. Prayers and hope and poetry to those in Boston and every town in the world that experienced such violence, today–and every day.

I must work to fight my own disgust and cynicism–to find the hope beneath, and the faith in humanity. Poetry helps me do that. Here is Linda’s poem Somewhere in the World, from her collection Traveling Light, which is a poem I need today.

Anyone within driving distance of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan tomorrow should gather with us at 2:15 in the Park Library Auditorium at CMU to listen to Linda talk about her art, her life and her art life.